

ㆍ조회: 1079  
  • 글제목
  • Asphalt and Pavement seminar 2019
  • 작성자
  • MCIK
  • 작성일
  • 2019-07-29 (월) 11:09


    Controls IPC Global alongside our local partner MCIK were pleased to be a technical partner to the
    Seoul National University of Science and Technology“Asphalt and Pavement seminar 
    2019” held at the SNUST conference facilities on the 17thJuly 2019.

    The seminar objective was to invite both academia and industry to an open debate on the advancing test technologies
    In the pavement performance testing industry.

    Presentations by:

    • Nigel James on the Controls Group and our continued investment in new technology.
    • Andrea Carlessi on performance-based pavement testing and technical innovations.
    • Professor Mun on Linear Viscos-elastic research on Asphalt/Concrete mixtures.

    Controls would like to thank Professor Mun for continuing our partnership in technology transfer and we wish all the delegates thanks for attending a success for the future.

    A great success.